Extraordinary at Every Age
Monday, September 12, 2022
The Powerful Language of Clothing & Appearance
Monday, May 30, 2022
Your Online Appearance and Image Matter!
Saturday, May 28, 2022
There's More to You Than Meets The Eye
What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?
We often look with a critical eye towards our image, especially as we age.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
In Business You are Always on Stage
Professional is a look as well as a mindset! Your presence and how you dress yourself matter.
Many entrepreneurs invest in their business processes, marketing and education, but fail to invest in the most important marketing tool there is...their image and personal brand.
Just as the tone of your voice identifies you to others, every detail from head-to-toe is sending a message and relays volumes about you. Does your image represent you well?
Think of your image as your personal brand and calling card.
Presence is a form of energy, a vibration, and a tone that shapes how you show up and how others relate to you. Manage your presence and image and you have a powerful vehicle for fulfilling your purpose.
When you look good, you feel good and that energy will translate to others, increasing opportunities to connect with more people.
Is it time to improve, update and create your personal brand? I can help to make that happen. Schedule a complimentary discovery session with me. Schedule with Peggy
For more information go to: https://peggy-scott.com
#masteryofgreatlooks #professionalimage #personalbrand #lookinggood
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Nothing to wear?

Are you like many other women, where you have nothing to wear?
So what do you do about that? Most of us go shopping and buy more stuff, ending up with a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear.
Stop the madness! I can help.
Let’s figure out how to make your wardrobe into the million dollar wardrobe you have always wanted, without spending a penny. I will show you how to make the most of what you have, look like a million bucks and enjoy shopping in your own closet every day.
Let’s connect! Schedule a call with me https://peggy2.youcanbook.me
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Who Do You Think You Are?
Who do you think you are? Great question! However, most of the time when we hear that question, it lands as a negative and we get defensive.
Better way to respond would be to say, yes, I do know who I am. I am not talking about being big-headed about it, or defensive, but to be clear that you really do know who you are, without question.
What that requires is some inner work to address any questions you have about who you are. What will free you from any negativity or blocks that hold you back or keep you thinking that you are not enough, is to clear the ghosts of the past that you have taken on as you, and what has shaped who you are today.
Negative experiences, negative self-talk and listening to another's negative assessments, begin to take shape and dictate how we show up in life. You have a choice to buy into those negativities and allow them to shape your way of being. Or, you can take it on as a lesson in strengthening your resolve to be more than any of the negativity...that is not who you are, unless you say so. It requires a concerted effort to shift your thinking and self-talk. You have to ask yourself, how do you want to feel about yourself and your life?
My life has had many challenges that could have flattened me, however, what those challenges gave me was insights, lessons and my inner resolve of being alive and well in spite of it all. I came from humble beginnings, to be more direct, my family was poor. I felt a lot of shame and unworthiness, partly because we were living in poverty, but I was also being molested. So you can imagine that I had a lot of ghosts to clear out of my mind, heart and soul. Deep down, I felt a strong spirit within that I could rely on, that and my faith carried me to higher grounds.
I recall when I was about 10 or 11 years old, standing in the back yard with my hands stretched out and declaring that I would not live in poverty, or live in danger and would always strive to live well and have an extraordinary life. Believe me, my family wasn't on board with that and ridiculed me for wanting to live well, dress well (this is where I learned to create beauty out of rags) and have a better outlook on life. They often would say; "Who do you think you are? Do you think you are better than us? Peggy's all about looking good...no substance!" While those questions had me feeling embarrassed about wanting more, or looking good, that became the push that had me excel and be the person I am today. It launched me into the work I do now, which is coaching women to be a bold, unstoppable stand for themselves and to embrace the beauty from within...to be the beautiful, powerful, formidable woman they are!
You will have people asking you those questions, it's up to you as to how you respond. Who do you think you are? Clear your mind by resetting any thinking that keeps you from living your best life. I will add this one powerful nugget and that is to forgive those who have put you down in any way. Forgiveness is the path to freedom and healing wounds.
Life is a precious journey, don't waste it on negativity.
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion! www.peggy-scott.com
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Does Your Desk Reflect Your State of Mind?
Our time is so divided with distractions in our daily life, having a messy and cluttered desk only adds to being distracted, overwhelmed and stressed.
How can you focus when your desk and workspace are messy?
It's amazing how a cluttered space, whether in your office, your desk, car or closets, can affect your mood and productivity. Remove the clutter and you will experience a big lift in your mood, productivity and wellbeing. If the task is too much for you to handle by yourself, ask a friend to help, or hire a professional, who can help you create a space that represents you and your purpose.
I worked with a client who had an office space, but didn't feel happy or productive using it. The condition of her office was chaos and became a dumping ground for things that she didn't want to handle at the moment.
There were stacks and stacks of paperwork, household items that were being stored there, including a few paint cans. She became overwhelmed with the idea of clearing it all out. It was a great office space with windows providing plenty of light, but the clutter and mess made it an undesirable place to be. Once I started to help she could see that her office space could be a beautiful and peaceful place to work in. As a result of getting her office cleaned up, her productivity escalated and she was able to focus with much more clarity. We can all relate to having stacks and clutter that we are not addressing and how that weighs on us, consciously or subconsciously. The point is, having an uncluttered, purposeful space to work from will boost your feeling of wellbeing and enhance your productivity. And you will experience a lift in your energy when you don't have to deal with the clutter that you keep dismissing and you'll get to someday...which never comes.
It's amazing how a cluttered space, whether in your office, your desk, car or closets, can affect your mood and productivity. Remove the clutter and you will experience a big lift in your mood, productivity and wellbeing. If the task is too much for you to handle by yourself, ask a friend to help, or hire a professional, who can help you create a space that represents you and your purpose.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Aging with Grace, Dignity and the Presence of Self
The Inner Game of Presence
Managing your inner game is an essential element of showing up confident, powerful and vibrant at every age of your life. Your presence reflects your moods, attitudes, inner dialogues and how well you are taking care of yourself. Your inner self is an essential supporting structure for how well you show up in life. Through the eyes of love all things take on a new meaning. Love what you see in the mirror when you are viewing yourself and allow the beauty of who you are now to shine through.
Aging Mindset
We are not practiced at accepting the beauty of our age. Aging is a natural process, just as in nature. So often, we begin to take the shape of our chronological age and the mindset of that age - growing old, rather than celebrating the natural process of aging. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is your mind and thought process.
The Choice is Yours
You get to choose – what you say, think and do about aging. Yes, the fact is, we are aging - can’t stop that process. We may be able to push time back a little with plastic surgery and the likes, but truth is, we are still aging even with our new face and/or body. A major part of how well you age is being mindful of your thought process. It’s essential that you are mindful of any negative, critical thoughts about how you look and feel.
Anti-aging Tips
Socialize, keep your cognitive functions fit, stay as physically fit as possible, eat well, reduce your stress and play. “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw
Strive to be young at heart, wise with the wisdom of age and being extraordinary at every age and stage of your life. Aging is a beautiful and natural expression of life – embrace it! There is so much more dignity present when you accept the beauty of your age.
Announcing my new online course for women that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. The course is now open for registration. To find out more about the course click on this link Presence of Self-Dare to Be Extraordinary Empowering women to find their passion is my passion!
If you want to learn more about my coaching programs, contact me via my online calendaring tool https://peggy2.youcanbook.me Website: https://www.peggy-scott.com
Monday, October 11, 2021
Your Professional Appearance Online is Your Personal Handshake
How you come across online when on Zoom and the likes is as important as if you were sitting across, in person, from your prospect, client or when you are being interviewed. You can put a lot of effort into preparing for the meeting, but if you don't have your appearance handled, that first 5-minute impression is gone. It's an immediate first impression that matters in creating confidence, trust and relationships. Research show that your appearance strongly influences other people's perception of you, your authority, trustworthiness, intelligence and whether they want to hire you, or invest in your company's product.
With the onset of the pandemic, we have had to conduct most of our business via online conferencing. The rules of engagement still apply. Yes, we are working from home for the most part, but that does not mean that you can let go of showing up as a professional.
Consider your online presence as important, if not most important, as any of your marketing material, websites, business cards and networking. You put a lot of thought into it, why not do the same for your professional appearance? In business, you are always on stage. You and your professional appearance are your best marketing material!
Here are a few areas that you should keep in mind before getting online with your colleagues, business meetings and interviews:
- Grooming, hair, makeup and nails. Be camera ready with your hair, makeup, and have your nails groomed. Be camera ready.
- Your attire. Dress appropriate for the meeting you are attending and for your audience, especially when interviewing or meeting prospects and clients. Dressing well will increase your self-confidence and gain respect from others.
- Keep your jewelry and accessories to a minimum; too much can be a distraction. Simple and elegant always works.
- Be aware of the angle of your camera. Make sure it's a flattering view of you.
- Body posture, to include how and where you are sitting. Slouching, or even laying back on your sofa or easy chair is a no pass when conducting a business meeting online, it shows a lack of interest.
- Once you done all of the above, have your attention on the others on the call. Don't need to keep checking yourself out.
- Distractions in the background. Make sure you have a quiet, uninterrupted space to conduct your calls.
- Silence your phone, and don't take calls or answer texts while on the video call.
- Lighting and background. Check your lighting to ensure you have good lighting source on your face. Keep the background uncluttered and make sure it represents you well.
- Test your technology to be sure it works enough to support a decent level of quality, i.e., camera, speakers, headphones, and if you need to upgrade your computer equipment.
- Pay attention. Don't let yourself get distracted and be tempted to work on other tasks. I know this can be a challenge, but you can do it.
Manage your image so that the best of you shows up - your success will follow!
If you desire help with your online presence, contact me via my online calendaring tool. https://peggy2.youcanbook.me I look forward to connecting with you!
I am excited to share my new online course for women that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. The course is now open for registration. To find out more about the course click on this link Presence of Self-Dare to Be Extraordinary Empowering women to find their passion is my passion!
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Living a Courageous Life
Living a Courageous Life
The river delights to lift us free, if only we dare let go. - Richard Bach, Quote from Illusions (great book!)
Letting go sounds easy enough, but in reality it takes courage to take the risk and jump.
A pivotal moment in my life came when I was a young mother and wife. I was 27 years old when my husband died. At the time of Dave's death we were living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I had to make some tough choices at that time to carry on and raise my two daughters. I wanted to provide a bigger, perhaps better life for the three of us. Kim was 3 years old and Nichole was 9 months old. (They have grown into two of the most extraordinary women I know.)
It was time to start a new life. I searched my heart, did my research, prayed about my decision and then did the brave thing and moved us to the Bay Area of San Francisco, CA. It turned out to be the best decision of my life and for the three of us. That moment has become my biggest reference point when it comes to being courageous to take risks and move forward with confidence. That's not to say that fear doesn't come up, it does, but I don't let fear stop me...being brave in the face of fear.
There are moments in our lives where we have to take risks in order to grow. Living a courageous life will lead you to living a life you dreamed of. Once you make the decision and take the risk to move forward, courage follows.
The river delights to lift us free, if only we dare let go.
- What are you most afraid will happen if you let go of the life that you know and try a new path, or explore new opportunities for growth?
- Are you willing to step boldly and confidently into a future that lights your life?
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you! https://peggy2.youcanbook.me
I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered. See upcoming courses
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Gossip - It's No Damn Good!
"What you think of me is none of my business." Terry Cole-Whittaker - author & minister
Gossip - It's no damn good!
I felt it important to bring this topic to the table. Gossip, especially negative gossip, is toxic to both the person speaking it and to the listener.
Recently, I was speaking with a colleague and she needed to share something about a person that we both know. After listening for a bit, I found that I was getting annoyed and impatient listening. I thought, what good is this doing and how is any of this gossip relevant to the quality of my life...it wasn't. In fact, listening made me part of the issue by being willing to hear it. I did the brave thing of stopping my friend and said, I am not willing to engage in conversations like this any longer. She was annoyed at me for saying so, but at that point, I needed to stop it.
We can't stop gossip from happening, but we can sure stop from engaging in it ourselves. We all have our faults and issues, but we don't need to put someone else down to make us feel good or to engage in juicy gossip, it isn't healthy and none of our business...really!
When I have engaged in negative gossip, I have never felt good after. In fact, I felt disappointed in myself for "dipping my wings in the dirt." Given, I am a stand for living and being healthy, which includes having healthy, respectful relationships, I can no longer be a party to negative gossip and negative talk. How about you?
As a wise person once said, "If you can't say something nice about a person, then don't say anything." Words to live by.
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you! https://peggy2.youcanbook.me
I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered. See upcoming courses
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Feeling overwhelmed, distracted, stressed? How are you getting it all done?
Feeling overwhelmed, distracted, stressed? How are you getting it all done?
As you can imagine, stress has a profound affect on our health and how we show up in life...or not.
How do you plan to get it all done without burning yourself out? The world and all of it's issues are not going to go away, so what are you going to do to maintain a healthy, happy balance in your life?- Be well and do what keeps you well
- Be a constant gardener and weed out the negative thoughts and beliefs
- Be kind and compassionate
- Be more forgiving of yourself and of others
- Be fabulous - because you are!
I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered. See upcoming courses
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
A Distorted View of Your Online Appearance
- Make sure you are camera ready with your hair, clothing and facial care. When your appearance is taken care of then you can show up with more confidence and have your attention off of yourself.
- Check your lighting. Get a good lighting source that puts the best light on your face.
- Rested and ready to go. Having your health and wellbeing taken care of will put forth better energy and you will look and feel better.
- Call Peggy Scott for coaching 😉 But, seriously, do call me. I will have you see beyond all your facial flaws and have you be more at peace with your appearance. After all, how many years has it taken you to earn all those facial features? This is your face, love it, make peace with how you look and appreciate the heck out of the person that you have become...you earned it!
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you! https://peggy2.youcanbook.me
I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered. See upcoming courses
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Expressing Your Purpose is Magnetic!
Martha Graham's quote aligns perfectly with my purpose of empowering women to find and express their passion, gifts and talents.
It comes down to this, what lights you up and are you willing to pursue your passion? I know these aren't light weight questions, but worth pondering. I have clients that have spent 15 or more years inside of a structured environment, such as a corporate job, including my daughter, Nichole. She had the amazing courage and confidence to step out of her corporate job to pursue her passion of being a voiceover artist, something she has had in her heart since she was a little girl. Long story short, but packed with power...she is a highly rated and sought out voiceover artist...and she has successfully replaced her income from her corporate job. She put her plans into action, got herself trained, created her voiceover website and is off and running. Nichole is a shining example and inspiration in following your heart, follow your bliss and trust in your self...money will follow.
I recently rediscovered how much I love creating beautiful art with oil paints. Painting allows my creativity to flow. I start with a blank canvas and with a few brush strokes a beautiful picture appears. Much like writing, I start with a blank page and out pours my thoughts and inspirations. I absolutely love to write and blog. This is a new and fabulous discovery that aligns with my purpose and lights my heart.
If you have a burning desire to pursue a passion, I invite you to take the brakes off and go for it. This is it!
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you! https://peggy2.youcanbook.me
I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered. See upcoming courses
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Imagine a World Without Beauty
Image a World Without Beauty
Have you ever stopped to think about how important beauty really is for our existence? Think for a moment how life would be if there were no great works of art, no music, and no books. Now imagine that the beauty of nature disappeared. What if there were no colors, just plain gray everywhere? Dismal thoughts, but we don't have to look too far in the past to see the evidence of what life was like when beauty was denied and suppressed.
Beauty is so essential to the quality and vitality of our lives; it's a part of our nature. Without it life is a very unhappy place and very depressing to the soul. Would you deny nature of its beauty by asking a deer, or a flower, whom do they think they are expressing so much beauty? Silly example, but the point is, think about how we deny ourselves of our own beauty nearly every day.
A couple of quotes from Audrey Hepburn that sums up my beliefs about beauty and sexiness perfectly.
"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair...True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."
"...I convey just as much sex appeal picking apples off of a tree or standing in the rain." - Audrey Hepburn, Actress & Humanitarian
True beauty and sexiness are an innate sense of your true self and being authentically you...and your willingness to own your beauty. Sexy is a mindset; it's not in the type of under garments you wear, or your physical appearance. Although, if you enjoy wearing clothes that have you feel sexy and beautiful, go for it. Clothing can be a great way to enhance your mood and set the tone for your day or the occasion.
Take time to take in all the beauty that surrounds you. Being in nature or in the eyes of someone you cherish, listening to music or watching an inspirational movie, enjoying great works of art, and so on, are all ways to enhance your wellbeing, and deepen your appreciation for how important beauty is in our lives, and how essential beauty is to our vitality and wellbeing.
You are beautiful! Believe it, own it, dress it and be it...beautiful!
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you! https://peggy2.youcanbook.me
I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered. See upcoming courses
Hiding in Plain Sight
Are you hiding in plain sight?
A woman whom I coached had a nagging issue about the size of her hips. She hired me to help her choose the best wardrobe for her, but she said, "I really don't think we are going to have much luck because my hips are so big and that's a challenge. "At the store I laid out a selection of clothes to have her try. The one piece that drew up some emotions for her was trying on the white dress I chose. I encouraged her to give it a try. She mustered up the courage and went in and put it on. A few minutes later she came out with tears in her eyes. She was surprised at how good she felt and looked in the dress. She had always avoided wearing anything that accentuated any part of her hips, especially a white dress. She declared it the breakthrough outfit. That was the perfect dress for her, as it got her unstuck from "I can't, to wow, look at me, I can!"
What made the shift was her willingness to step outside of her comfort zone. It was more than buying a new wardrobe, it was a shift in her mindset about her body. She recognized that she was not allowing herself to show up as the powerful woman that she really is, hips and all. Although she hired me to help her with her wardrobe, the result was a breakthrough in how she showed up in life.
Many of us will hold ourselves back because we have gained weight or we have a constant negative assessment about a part of our body we wish would change. It's a form of body shaming ourselves.The opportunity is to love all of you - flaws, scars, aging, weight, height, all of it! You be the inspiration for others to do the same. That's my mission as well.
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you! https://peggy2.youcanbook.com
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Listening to the Whispers
Monday, August 16, 2021
Extraordinary at Every Age!
Dare to be extraordinary! That’s my motto and one that I practice, especially as I age. It’s a whole new level of accepting my beauty and seeing myself through loving eyes, rather than a critical, “I’m aging” conversation when I look in the mirror. Yes, I am aging, we all are in some phase of our lives aging from birth on. We are not Benjamin Button - lol.
As George Bernard Shaw said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old when we stop playing.” He also said, “Youth is wasted on the young.” I challenge you to keep playing, it’s essential to your vitality and wellbeing. It’s one of my beauty and anti-aging secrets.
Having recently been through breast surgery, I can tell you that my ability to be connected to the joy and privilege of my life has been the number one key to healing as well as I am. I have also had the opportunity to release limiting beliefs and behaviors that I have been holding onto. No need to congest my being with the past. I am also redefining my sexiness. In other words, I am getting my sexy back, but at a whole new level. I keep shifting up and letting go into my beauty, my heart and loving myself back into existence. I put myself on the shelf for a while, however, cancer was the wakeup call.
Wake up to your magnificent, sexy, beautiful, confident, joyful, badass woman that you are. It’s time to stand powerfully in our presence and light the world with beauty. I dare you to be extraordinary at every age and every stage of your life.
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you! https://peggy2.youcanbook.me
I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered. View the upcoming course
The Powerful Language of Clothing & Appearance
Clothes are inevitable. They are nothing less than the furniture of the mind made visible. - James Laver, Style in Costume Your Image an...

Are you hiding in plain sight? A woman whom I coached had a nagging issue about the size of her hips. She hired me to help her choose the be...
Feeling overwhelmed, distracted, stressed? How are you getting it all done? As you can imagine, stress has a profound affect on our health a...
Dare to Be Extraordinary...Because You Are! After leaving the corporate world a few years back, I started offering business coaching to busi...
A distorted view of your online appearance is what we are all facing...literally. Many people do not like what they look like when they see ...
Our time is so divided with distractions in our daily life, having a messy and cluttered desk only adds to being distracted, overwhelmed and...
"What you think of me is none of my business." Terry Cole-Whittaker - author & minister Gossip - It's no damn good! I fel...
In business you are always on stage! Professional is a look as well as a mindset! Your presence and how you dress yourself matter. Many en...
Clothes are inevitable. They are nothing less than the furniture of the mind made visible. - James Laver, Style in Costume Your Image an...
Living a Courageous Life The river delights to lift us free, if only we dare let go. - Richard Bach, Quote from Illusions (great book!) L...
Aging with Grace, Dignity and the Presence of Self The Inner Game of Presence Managing your inner game is an essential element of showing ...