
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Expressing Your Purpose is Magnetic!

"There's a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how it compares with other expressions. It's your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, to keep the channel open." 
- Martha Graham, was an American modern dancer and choreographer

Martha Graham's quote aligns perfectly with my purpose of empowering women to find and express their passion, gifts and talents. 

It comes down to this, what lights you up and are you willing to pursue your passion? I know these aren't light weight questions, but worth pondering. I have clients that have spent 15 or more years inside of a structured environment, such as a corporate job, including my daughter, Nichole. She had the amazing courage and confidence to step out of her corporate job to pursue her passion of being a voiceover artist, something she has had in her heart since she was a little girl. Long story short, but packed with power...she is a highly rated and sought out voiceover artist...and she has successfully replaced her income from her corporate job. She put her plans into action, got herself trained, created her voiceover website and is off and running. Nichole is a shining example and inspiration in following your heart, follow your bliss and trust in your will follow. 

I recently rediscovered how much I love creating beautiful art with oil paints. Painting allows my creativity to flow. I start with a blank canvas and with a few brush strokes a beautiful picture appears.  Much like writing, I start with a blank page and out pours my thoughts and inspirations. I absolutely love to write and blog. This is a new and fabulous discovery that aligns with my purpose and lights my heart. 

If you have a burning desire to pursue a passion, I invite you to take the brakes off and go for it. This is it!

Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you!  

I am excited to share my new online course that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. Join my waitlist to be notified as to when the preview course will be offered.  See upcoming courses

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