"What you think of me is none of my business." Terry Cole-Whittaker - author & minister
Gossip - It's no damn good!
I felt it important to bring this topic to the table. Gossip, especially negative gossip, is toxic to both the person speaking it and to the listener.
Recently, I was speaking with a colleague and she needed to share something about a person that we both know. After listening for a bit, I found that I was getting annoyed and impatient listening. I thought, what good is this doing and how is any of this gossip relevant to the quality of my life...it wasn't. In fact, listening made me part of the issue by being willing to hear it. I did the brave thing of stopping my friend and said, I am not willing to engage in conversations like this any longer. She was annoyed at me for saying so, but at that point, I needed to stop it.
We can't stop gossip from happening, but we can sure stop from engaging in it ourselves. We all have our faults and issues, but we don't need to put someone else down to make us feel good or to engage in juicy gossip, it isn't healthy and none of our business...really!
When I have engaged in negative gossip, I have never felt good after. In fact, I felt disappointed in myself for "dipping my wings in the dirt." Given, I am a stand for living and being healthy, which includes having healthy, respectful relationships, I can no longer be a party to negative gossip and negative talk. How about you?
As a wise person once said, "If you can't say something nice about a person, then don't say anything." Words to live by.
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