
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Aging with Grace, Dignity and the Presence of Self

 Aging with Grace, Dignity and the Presence of Self

The Inner Game of Presence

Managing your inner game is an essential element of showing up confident, powerful and vibrant at every age of your life. Your presence reflects your moods, attitudes, inner dialogues and how well you are taking care of yourself. Your inner self is an essential supporting structure for how well you show up in life. Through the eyes of love all things take on a new meaning. Love what you see in the mirror when you are viewing yourself and allow the beauty of who you are now to shine through.

Aging Mindset

We are not practiced at accepting the beauty of our age. Aging is a natural process, just as in nature. So often, we begin to take the shape of our chronological age and the mindset of that age - growing old, rather than celebrating the natural process of aging. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is your mind and thought process. 

The Choice is Yours

You get to choose – what you say, think and do about aging. Yes, the fact is, we are aging - can’t stop that process. We may be able to push time back a little with plastic surgery and the likes, but truth is, we are still aging even with our new face and/or body. A major part of how well you age is being mindful of your thought process. It’s essential that you are mindful of any negative, critical thoughts about how you look and feel. 

Anti-aging Tips

Socialize, keep your cognitive functions fit, stay as physically fit as possible, eat well, reduce your stress and play. “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw 

Strive to be young at heart, wise with the wisdom of age and being extraordinary at every age and stage of your life. Aging is a beautiful and natural expression of life – embrace it!  There is so much more dignity present when you accept the beauty of your age. 

Announcing my new online course for women that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. The course is now open for registration. To find out more about the course click on this link Presence of Self-Dare to Be Extraordinary  Empowering women to find their passion is my passion!

If you want to learn more about my coaching programs, contact me via my online calendaring tool  Website:  

Monday, October 11, 2021

Your Professional Appearance Online is Your Personal Handshake

Your professional appearance online is your personal handshake.

How you come across online when on Zoom and the likes is as important as if you were sitting across, in person, from your prospect, client or when you are being interviewed. You can put a lot of effort into preparing for the meeting, but if you don't have your appearance handled, that first 5-minute impression is gone. It's an immediate first impression that matters in creating confidence, trust and relationships. Research show that your appearance strongly influences other people's perception of you, your authority, trustworthiness, intelligence and whether they want to hire you, or invest in your company's product. 

With the onset of the pandemic, we have had to conduct most of our business via online conferencing. The rules of engagement still apply. Yes, we are working from home for the most part, but that does not mean that you can let go of showing up as a professional. 

Consider your online presence as important, if not most important, as any of your marketing material, websites, business cards and networking. You put a lot of thought into it, why not do the same for your professional appearance? In business, you are always on stage. You and your professional appearance are your best marketing material!

Here are a few areas that you should keep in mind before getting online with your colleagues, business meetings and interviews:

  • Grooming, hair, makeup and nails. Be camera ready with your hair, makeup, and have your nails groomed. Be camera ready.
  • Your attire. Dress appropriate for the meeting you are attending and for your audience, especially when interviewing or meeting prospects and clients. Dressing well will increase your self-confidence and gain respect from others.
  • Keep your jewelry and accessories to a minimum; too much can be a distraction. Simple and elegant always works.
  • Be aware of the angle of your camera. Make sure it's a flattering view of you. 
  • Body posture, to include how and where you are sitting. Slouching, or even laying back on your sofa or easy chair is a no pass when conducting a business meeting online, it shows a lack of interest.
  • Once you done all of the above, have your attention on the others on the call. Don't need to keep checking yourself out.
Other factors to consider when getting online:
  • Distractions in the background. Make sure you have a quiet, uninterrupted space to conduct your calls.
  • Silence your phone, and don't take calls or answer texts while on the video call.
  • Lighting and background. Check your lighting to ensure you have good lighting source on your face. Keep the background uncluttered and make sure it represents you well.
  • Test your technology to be sure it works enough to support a decent level of quality, i.e., camera, speakers, headphones, and if you need to upgrade your computer equipment. 
  • Pay attention. Don't let yourself get distracted and be tempted to work on other tasks. I know this can be a challenge, but you can do it.

Manage your image so that the best of you shows up - your success will follow!

If you desire help with your online presence, contact me via my online calendaring tool.  I look forward to connecting with you! 

I am excited to share my new online course for women that addresses looking and feeling fabulous at every age and every stage of your life. The course is now open for registration. To find out more about the course click on this link Presence of Self-Dare to Be Extraordinary  Empowering women to find their passion is my passion!


The Powerful Language of Clothing & Appearance

  Clothes are inevitable.  They are nothing less than the furniture of the mind made visible.  - James Laver, Style in Costume Your Image an...