Image a World Without Beauty
Have you ever stopped to think about how important beauty really is for our existence? Think for a moment how life would be if there were no great works of art, no music, and no books. Now imagine that the beauty of nature disappeared. What if there were no colors, just plain gray everywhere? Dismal thoughts, but we don't have to look too far in the past to see the evidence of what life was like when beauty was denied and suppressed.
Beauty is so essential to the quality and vitality of our lives; it's a part of our nature. Without it life is a very unhappy place and very depressing to the soul. Would you deny nature of its beauty by asking a deer, or a flower, whom do they think they are expressing so much beauty? Silly example, but the point is, think about how we deny ourselves of our own beauty nearly every day.
A couple of quotes from Audrey Hepburn that sums up my beliefs about beauty and sexiness perfectly.
"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair...True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."
"...I convey just as much sex appeal picking apples off of a tree or standing in the rain." - Audrey Hepburn, Actress & Humanitarian
True beauty and sexiness are an innate sense of your true self and being authentically you...and your willingness to own your beauty. Sexy is a mindset; it's not in the type of under garments you wear, or your physical appearance. Although, if you enjoy wearing clothes that have you feel sexy and beautiful, go for it. Clothing can be a great way to enhance your mood and set the tone for your day or the occasion.
Take time to take in all the beauty that surrounds you. Being in nature or in the eyes of someone you cherish, listening to music or watching an inspirational movie, enjoying great works of art, and so on, are all ways to enhance your wellbeing, and deepen your appreciation for how important beauty is in our lives, and how essential beauty is to our vitality and wellbeing.
You are beautiful! Believe it, own it, dress it and be it...beautiful!
Empowering women to find their passion is my passion. If you desire help, contact me via my online calendaring tool. I look forward to connecting with you!
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